
Sabtu, 29 September 2012


Cheat 2 as ALL Country Read Recomendation in Under Post! (Click Download cheat 2)
Cheat 1 just for Indonesia!
Tutorial Burst Read In Under Post!

Windows 7 pakai cit 1 juga bisa  cheat 1 all windows work no lag!

Don't to Show OFF
Downloads Cheat 1 [Mr A]
No Password
Downloads Simple Cheat [Auto Headshot+1Hit]
No Password
 Downloads Cheat 2[Turkeys,Spanyol,Italy,PH,TH,Rusia,Etc]
No Password
Fitures : 
  • Time
  • Date
  • FPS
[D3D Menu]
  • Wallhack
  • Mini Indo
  • Chams Tero
  • Chams Police
  • X-Hair
  • No Smoke
  • No Fog
  • No Flash
  • Box
  • Health
  • Name Tag
  • Esp Line
  • Anti Respwn
  • Hp Up +20
  • Quick Fast
  • Unyu Mode | Bug Wallshot
  • Dino Replace Hack
  • Speed Mode
  • Plant Bom
  • Defuse Bom
  • Ghost Wanna Be!
  • Auto Bug Luxvile
  • Ammo Limited
  • Accuracy 100%
  • Quick Change
  • Set Replace
  • Auto Headshot
  • Aim Head (New)
  • Auto Fire Shoutgun
  • Anti Program Ilegal
  • Anti Banned
  • Check Premium
  • Exit Game
Recomendation Cheat 2
  • PointBlank Spanyol [Active]
  • PointBlank Rusia [Active]
  • PointBlank Thailand [Active]
  • PointBlank Philipina [Active]
  • PointBlank Turkey [Active]
  • PointBlank Indonesia [Active]
  • PointBlank Tahadi / ARAB [Active]
  • PointBlank Colombia / Amerika Latin [Active]
  • PointBlank Korea [Active]
  • PointBlank Amrika / PBLackout (Nothing)
  • PointBlank SG / Singapura [Active]
    Hotkeys D3D Menu: 
    • D3d Menu On/OFF : INSERT
    • Arah Panah kanan = ON
    • Arah Panah Kiri OFF
    • Arah Panah ats & Bawah Pilih cit
    Tutorial : 
    1. Buka PB launcher
    2. Buka Cheat
    3. Start
    4. Keluar Message Box/notice
    5. Ok,ok saja Hepii Cheatting dah 
    Tutorial Burst mode
    Burst = Buat yang Suka Ber MAIN SG an = Tidak untuk senjata bebas[Selain Weapon SG tidak Bisa/Hacking tool]
    Bagi yang Ingin pakai 1 hit + Burst SG Tekan HOME Saat Loading Hacksield[saat hackield Muncul di kanan bawah] , bagi yg tidak ingin pakai gak usah tekan home

      Keterangan : BUAT WINDOWS 7 and Windows Vista
      -Buka Cheat Jangan Menggunakan DOUBLE klik!!!
      -Tapi menggunakan Klik kanan -Runadministrator
      -Buka PB nya pun jangan pakai Double Klik
      -Tapi menggunakan Klik kanan -Runadministrator juga
      Okay paham KAN

      Tested Windows Xp = 3 jam ++ WORK!
      Tested Windows 7 = 2 Jam ++ WORK! 
      FROM :


      There’s a lot of talk about what you should do to become successful, but I would argue that it’s more about who you are that makes the biggest impact.  It’s the decisions we make on a daily basis, the habits we naturally form in our lives that determine the level of success we can achieve.  Who we are determines how we react to life, even when we’re not consciously in the act of ‘being successful’.
      So here are 10 traits that I’ve seen as essential for obtaining lasting success in any endeavor.

      1. An Independent Nature

      If we rely too much on those around us for assistance and/or support we will be setting ourselves up for disappointment in the future.  This is not to say that we shouldn’t look to others for help when the time is right, but crafting our pursuits in such a way that requires the intervention of another is like handing over the keys and getting in the back seat.  Our friends and colleagues may help open the doors of opportunity, but it is our own responsibility to take the wheel.

      2. Self Confidence

      Every decision we make in life will have some kind of effect on future outcomes.  If our choices our filtered through fear and doubt, we can be assured of the life we are trying to avoid.  Trust your instincts and listen to your heart.  When you make a mistake, don’t look at it as reason for doubt, but instead, realize the opportunity for wisdom as you continue to push ahead.

      3. Persistence

      It’s been 5 years since I started my consulting business.  5 years of long hours and hard work.  Many times did I consider throwing in the towel when things didn’t go my way.  But every year that’s gone by, every road block I’ve pushed through, my business has grown as my resolve to make it a success has strengthened.  Persistence is not an optional trait for those who desire success, but an essential attitude that must be embraced!

      4. A Big Imagination

      When I think of some of the greatest ‘achievers’ in American history I see great innovators and people of purpose.  Names like Henry Ford, Walt Disney and Bill Gates come to mind.  From cars to cartoons to computers, their personalities were as diverse as their pursuits.  But one thing they share is the wonderful ability to see what’s not yet visible to the naked eye.  It was the imagination of Henry Ford that first painted the picture of a car in every garage, and Bill Gates, a computer in every home.  And it was Walt Disney who continues to inspire millions with the idea that ‘anything is possible’.
      Those with inevitable success can see the unseen.  They’ve become successful in their minds before they laid their first brick.

      5. A Thick Skin

      I’m a people pleaser at heart and can be devastated by disappointment.  But as a necessity in business, I’ve grown a thick skin that allows me to deflect defeat while maintaining my focus.  Whether in corporate conflict or the liabilities of life, it is those with a strong armor who will maintain their momentum.

      6. Clarity Of Self Understanding

      If you don’t know who you are, you will never truly know what you’re capable of.  It is in our daily pursuits that we need accurate information on our strengths and weaknesses to succeed.  Because being blind sided by your own inability or missing out on your true talents will bring nothing more than failure and frustration.

      7. Clarity Of Intent

      Continuing with the analogy of Ford, Disney and Gates, we can see three individuals with very clear intentions.  No one ever questioned Ford’s intentions of filling the roads with his Model T’s.  Disney was never far from his pursuits of capturing our imaginations.  And even when no one believed in his dream of populating every home with a PC, there was never a question of Gates greatest goal.

      8. Focus

      There’s a lot of talk about multi-tasking and single tasking when it comes to getting things done.  But however you go about accomplishing your goals, focus must be at the core of your character.  Successful people have the knack for deflecting distraction and keeping their nose to the grindstone.  It is our drive that pushes us forward and keeps our momentum, but without focus we will just be moving for the sake of motion.

      9. Optimism

      Many of the traits mentioned thus far would not be possible without this key ingredient.  Without being able to constantly see the cup as half full, we would never be able to stay focused.  Being blind to that silver lining would paralyze our persistence.  So it is absolutely crucial that our minds maintain a positive outlook on life and never give in to the destruction of defeat.  Optimism is at the heart of a successful human being!

      10. Passion

      Success can be obtained by many, but maintaining the drive to reach our goals requires a passion for pursuit and a lust for life.  We can create a to-do list and set our goals with the best of them, but without this necessary habitual hunger, we will most certainly fail to bring to the table the results we imagined.

      Kamis, 27 September 2012

      Simple Ways to Energize your Brain

      Did you know there are some simple things you can do to make your memory improve? By following these simple steps, you can improve how your brains functions. The brain is a muscle and like any muscle, if left unused, it grows weak and does not work properly. You might be getting older, but your brain doesn't need to fall into the zone of forgetfulness.
      Turn Off The Television
      Find the remote for the television and turn the TV off. Watching TV does not exercise your mind or stimulate your mental capacity. When you want to relax, try reading a book or listen to music on the radio. TV is fun, but I find that even after watching a movie, I cannot remember half of what I saw.
      Get out and exercise. By exercising, your blood gets to pumping through your body and an essential part of your body is the brain. Exercise improves productivity, helping you feel energized. Exercise clears your mind and head, creating waves of energy.
      Get Plenty of Sleep
      You have heard the old saying, early to bed early to rise, well that holds true if you want your mind to think properly. If you aren't getting enough sleep, then you are depriving your mind of much needed rest. Your body needs sleep in order to function properly. When you sleep, your body can repair itself from the day's abuse. This means you should go to bed before midnight and get in a full eight hours of sleep. To go to sleep after twelve deprives your body of the ability to rejuvenate. For every hour after nightfall and two in the morning that you sleep, your body will be healthier. Something about those hours enables the body to heal itself. I know when I do not get enough sleep, I can think, but it seems to take longer to understand things. It does not work to think that you can just sleep later the next day either. Even if you do, your body may still feel fatigued.
      Do something challenging to stimulate your mind. Try doing a crossword puzzle, word find, or learn a new craft. This will expand your knowledge and thought process. If you are already doing a craft, like crochet, try to learn a new stitch or do a different pattern. Keeping your mind active by doing something different is the key to exercising your mind.
      Read something that is going to challenge you mentally. Pick up a book, have a seat, and relax. It doesn't matter whether you read a classic novel, a how-to book, or one of those brainteaser books, you will stimulate your thinking. Reading helps you to focus and will change your view of the world.
      Take some time to reflect on where your life is and where you want it to be. You can take this time to organize some things in your life. By taking this special time, you will have a better understanding of the things that are important. Take time to be with your family, meditate on the scriptures, and talk to God. Go outside and take a walk and try to remember what birds, flowers or people you saw. When you get home, tell yourself or others what you saw. You will be amazed at how your mind will improve just by following a few basic steps.
      Lastly, don't neglect your mind. Be sure you eat healthy foods and take your vitamins. Stay away from processed or chemically altered foods.

      Senin, 24 September 2012


      Bab ini akan membahas dasar-dasar pemrograman, khususnya menggunakan bahasa Pascal. Oleh karena itu, unduhlah terlebih dahulu kompilator Pascal yang umum digunakan, yaitu Free Pascal.
      Sebagai perkenalan pertama dengan program Pascal, ketikanlah kode-kode berikut ini dalam berkas bernama 'pertamaku.pas'.
      program pertamaku;
          kalimat : string;
      Program ini akan membaca satu baris teks masukan (dari standard input, yaitu keyboard) dan mencetak keluaran (ke standard output, yaitu layar monitor) yang persis sama dengan masukan.
      Pada bagian awal, terdapat pernyataan program pertamaku; yang menandakan bahwa program ini bernama 'pertamaku'. Pernyataan ini bersifat opsional, yaitu boleh ada boleh tidak.
      Selanjutnya, terdapat deklarasi yang menyebutkan digunakannya suatu variabel dengan nama kalimat. Deklarasi ditunjukkan dengan adanya notasi var. Baris-baris berikutnya setelah notasi var adalah tempat menuliskan deklarasi variabel-variabel, dalam format
      <nama-variabel> : <tipe-variabel>;
      Variabel adalah tempat menyimpan suatu nilai dalam program, dan selama berjalannya program, nilai itu dapat berubah-ubah. Setiap variabel dideklarasikan dengan menyebutkan tipe dari nilai yang dapat disimpannya. kalimat dideklarasikan sebagai variabel berjenis string, berarti kalimat dapat menyimpan string, yaitu rangkaian karakter, yang panjangnya maksimum 255 karakter.
      Badan program dinyatakan dengan perintah begin dan diakhiri dengan perintah end., yaitu end dengan tanda titik. readln(kalimat) berfungsi untuk membaca satu baris string masukan dan hasil pembacaannya disimpan dalam variabel kalimat. Perintah writeln(kalimat) berguna untuk menuliskan isi variabel kalimatke keluaran. Dalam program, setiap perintah diakhiri dengan tanda ; (titik koma).
      Untuk menguji program Anda, bukalah penyunting teks (Notepad atau yang lainnya) lalu ketikan teks sesuka anda dalam satu baris dengan panjang tidak lebih dari 100 karakter. Simpanlah teks tersebut dalam berkas teks, misalnya dengan nama 'uji.txt'. Kompilasi program tersebut dengan Free Pascal menjadi 'bebek.exe', lalu jalankan perintah pada command prompt:
      bebek < uji.txt
      Jika program mengeluarkan keluaran yang sama dengan isi teks pada uji.txt, maka program Anda sudah berjalan dengan benar.
      Selesailah program pertama Anda! Sebagai bonus, berkas ini adalah (salah satu) jawaban dari soal Program Pertamaku pada Bab 1A. Silakan coba mengumpulkannya. Ingat, yang dikumpulkan adalah berkas .pas-nya, bukan .exe-nya.
      Sekali lagi, selamat berlatih!

      source :